Thursday, June 19, 2008

pain in the ass

this is going to be short because i must go to bed. however, i feel the need to announce to the world that i have a pain in the ass. no, i am not referring to the sore ass cheeks i was complaining of yesterday. instead, i am referring to a fun little ball of excitement that i had surgically removed last april and was told would never (99% likely not) return. however, it has.

alright, its not quite on the ass. its on the tailbone. but, it makes sitting painful.

is this too graphic?

oh well. so therefore, in addition to the neck pain that i have from my flight here (did i mention this? i don't think i did), i now have tush pain. i was sitting on the couch trying to read a book but was uncomfortable because of the cyst so i laid down and then was uncomfortable because of the neck. i feel 85.

hopefully the swelling will go down soon because when that happens, the pain goes away. but sadly, since it has returned, i'm going to need surgery again when i get back to new york.

pain in the ass.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doh! My friend Jamie used to have those-she said they were so painful! I'm so sorry... :(

If it helps, I could look up the "Cyst-Buster Superheroes" of Greenpoint, Brooklyn for you. I hear they help really cool people for free. :)

Hang in there!