as you could imagine, i'm backlogged right now, so i'll just put up a few at a time. i'm sure that those of you who read yesterday's blog are eager to hear if mother m was posted, and i'm happy to report that yes, she was. so just go to yesterday's post and you can take a look at what i saw in the shower. i feel that the similarities are glaringly obvious, but in case you require clarification, don't hesitate to ask.
a brief update: today was 110 degrees and painful. luckily, we packed boxes for the CSA today and we decided to do that in the large walk-in fridge, which was great. we were in there for hours. however, the heat still got to me and i came home and collapsed for an hour, virtually incapable of getting back up. i developed a headache later on, and have been pretty irritable all day. it hasn't been the best day, honestly; i crave civilization and time alone (contradictory?). thankfully, i have a 4 hour train ride to berkeley this weekend to look forward to, and an entire week of being in a more bustling environment. i'm getting very upset that i can't get off this farm. we're literally trapped here. although everyone has been nice and helpful about taking us places that we need to go, it would be nice not to have to wait until we "need" something to leave. walking is too far, the bicycles are broken (we tried to get them fixed but can't seem to find help with this), and we're usually able to get a ride into town but can't find one back. its extremely frustrating. sometimes all i want to do is go to town on a wednesday night and eat some mexican food, then come back and go to bed. nothing extravagant, but nonetheless impossible. i'm steaming over it.
anyway, i must try to remain positive or else i'll crumble, and i know that. so that's the plan. 1.5 more days of work and i'm out of here for 8 days.
here are those pictures i promised:

i would like to post more, but the internet is pretty slow, and i don't have patience right now with the heat and all of these damned flies. also i'm sorry the photos above are all staggered and weird. fuck it is what i say. i don't know why they look that way and after 30 minutes of trying to figure it out, i don't care.
i'm going to bed. hope you enjoy the photos, few though there are. i'll post the rest tomorrow if i make it till then.
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